Skype- Introduction to Voice Acting!

This is an Introductory level workshop and is highly suggested to be taken before any other workshops
Have you ever heard a voice in a cartoon and thought "I wanna do that!"
Have you ever played a video game and wondered how the characters got their voices?
Well then maybe voice acting is for you!
Voice acting is something you can do on your own time in your own home. It gives you the chance to play video game characters, cartoon characters, and frees you up to play characters not even your same gender or species! It's also a great way to make some quick money on the side.
These class are designed to help those interested in the art of voice acting. They tend to run an hour and a half long and will help teach the basics of creating voice acting characters for anime, cartoons, radio plays, video games and more. It will also help each student explore their range and learn techniques for creating new voices they can make (such as teaching girls how to do a boys voice, old age, higher pitched, ect ) and strengthen your voice while showing how to avoid vocal damage.
Its open to all levels of people so it will start with the basics like what is voice acting, the difference between voice acting and voice over, the types of work you can find, how to get started, audio recording techniques, getting better audio quality, microphone types and differences, how microphones work, a basic rundown of speech production, how speech is made, how to avoid and realize vocal damage, creating and changing different voice, voice placements, creating believable characters, acting, creating a demo reel, dos and donts, suggested layout for a demo reel, auditioning for professional studios, and then question and answer time.It will also help everyone find out how to find auditions and create a demo reel.
You may prepay through paypal. The cost is $21.12 (So less than most T-shirts)
Please email me if you would like to attend please email "Rachael@Rachaelmesser.com" Subject line "Skype voice acting rsvp"
Discounts available for those that sign up with friends
To reserve a spot, please click the button below. Please note, there are no refunds so only fill it out if you plan to attend. Only 25 spots avaialble.